#1 Visit Site
Log into the system or register your phone number if this is your first time.
#2 Add Your Galleries
- Tap the “Add New Gallery”.
- Enter your athlete’s access code. Do this for each athlete you are registering.
(Your access code should have been sent to your email and/or phone number.
#3 Purchase an Advance Pay Credit(s)
If you would like us to photograph individual pictures of your athlete, a $15 advance pay is required.
This will appear as a credit in your account and will go towards your purchase once the picture are posted and it’s time to place your order.
#4 Print your Receipt
Bring your receipt with you on Picture Day – one for each athlete. This is what they will give the photography at the time of their photo.
If printing is not possible, no problem, be sure to bring your receipt code, we’ll have a simple form at our front booth you can use to write your receipt and and give to your athlete.